Rebuilding On the Word
What Will We Rebuild Upon?
Though we’ve all seen how plans change, we expect 2021 to be a year when we rebuild many church ministries and personal habits. As a way of rebuilding everything upon God’s words, we’re reading the whole Bible together through the year.
We also hope this will unite us with those who still can’t gather and help us build healthy daily habits, which suffered for many in 2020.
The plan we’re using takes you through four chapters each day, each one from a different section of the Bible. To help you get the most out of it, here are some more resources:
Print the plan as a checklist or as a set of bookmarks to put in your Bible.
All our Sunday Sermons and some Sunday School Lessons will be based on a reading from that week
This daily Podcast that unpacks the day’s reading (Apple | RSS | Stitcher).
This daily Email Newsletter that unpacks the day’s reading
If you'd rather read in print, this is the book the daily email and podcast are based on
Dave, Paul, and other leaders will be making a YouTube channel answering the questions you email us
Most Bible apps have the plan built into them. Check your app for the M’Cheyne Plan, or download the free ESV app on your device.