Helping Parents Raise Disciples

Our Ministries to Children, Youth, and Parents all Do the Same Thing


If you have children, God has given you a tremendous calling. Raising God-fearing children and then sending them out to the world–what a challenge! But God is there to help you, and so are we.

First, you need a home church you can call on and mentors who can guide you through all the challenges of parenting. We’re here! Our staff counsels parents and our church is full of experienced parents to walk with.

Then, Calvary Kids is dedicated to teaching the Bible to your children and training them in the fear of the Lord. Our children aren’t taught by videos on a screen, but by dedicated teachers who know their names and pray for them regularly.

Sunday School: 9:00, all ages
Sunday Children’s Church: 10:30, K-5 (nursery also available)

All our children and youth workers are MinistrySafe trained to spot and prevent multiple forms of abuse and we’ve instituted a number of safety policies like windowed doors and at least two adults per class.

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Once they’re old enough, Calvary Students seeks to give middle and high schoolers a place where they can make godly friends, learn the Bible more deeply, and find older mentors to help them follow Jesus. The types of friends your teenager makes and the Bible study skills they develop will affect their whole lives, so we want to start them out right.

We focus our ministries for middle and high schoolers on four things we believe they need most from the church: sound Bible teaching, adults who will have fun with them and love them unconditionally, good friends, and a mentor.