Celebrate Holy Week With Us
Good Friday Lord’s Supper, 6:00 April 19
Sunday Breakfast, 9:00 April 21
Sunday Resurrection Worship, 10:30 April 21
No Matter who you are, Jesus and his message are powerful enough to make you new and save you. Come and follow him with us.
Current Events
No Evening Services Palm Suday or Easter
To emphasize Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday, we will not be holding our usual evening services on April 14th or April 21st. We will also not be holding our usual Wednesday Prayer Meeting on April 17th. Instead, please join us on Friday, April 19th at 6:00 as we celebrate the Lord’s Supper together and reflect on the Passover Lamb of Jesus.
Welcome, You’ve Caught Us In A redesign
Welcome to Calvary Greenwood’s new website. You may notice something: it feels a little unfinished! We’re still working on fleshing it out with photos, but we hope that soon this will be the place to go for a quick look into who we are and what worshipping with us is like. Check back soon for more!
Abuse PRevention Certification
Free MinistrySafe training on abuse prevention for all youth and children’s workers on Sunday, May 19th at 6 p.m. To keep our children safe from abuse and other dangers, we are requiring all youth and children’s workers to complete MinistrySafe certification at this training or online by June 1st.